Professional Training Work- shop on Ground water Modelling using MODMUSE
Training objective is to enhance ground water data analysis capacities using ModMuse
Date: 25th-28th April2022
Venue: LVWB ‘Mwanza’
What will you gain?
- Understand MODMUSE application
- Intercede with model grid, data sets, formulas, objects, the method used to assign values to data sets, and model features.
- Understand about ModelMuse as a graphics user interface for groundwater – modeling software which was modifies to support MOD- FLOW6
- Understand how ModelMuse works with two types of spatial discretization in MODFLOW6: structured grids (DIS) and discretization by vertices (DISV)
- Understand how ModelMuse supports the version of MODPATH and ZONEBUDGET that we compatible with MODFLOW 6
Target Beneficiaries
- Water supply Authorities.
- Water Basin Authorities.
- Water Managers and officers.
- Students pursuing water resources management.
- Other interested Water resources practitioners.
Course Fee
Course fee is TZS 500,000 to cover training fee, meals and refreshments as well as accredited Certificate.
Course fee to be paid to:
TAEEs Company
NMB, Tegeta branch
AC: 23510041344
Please click link below to start your registration
Register WorkshopFor more information contact us via:
Mobile: +255626408705
Email: info@taees.org